The 5 pillars of the current 'climate change doctrine' are:
- Climate change is occurring.
- Climate change is primarily caused by increases in carbon dioxide as a
result of human activity. - Carbon dioxide is a pollutant.
- If humans don't change their behaviour and reduce their carbon
dioxide emissions there will be catastrophe. - The government must legislate in order to get people to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions.
- Climate change has been occuring since time immemorial
- Many hundreds of eminent scientists have strongly criticised both the 'climate change doctrine' and the predictions made by the International Panel on Climate Change. Claims that 'there is a scientific consensus' and 'the science is settled' are not true.
- Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is plant food. The more crops can
get of it the better they grow. - Carbon dioxide has had no discernible influence on the world's
climate in the past and there is no reason to believe it should in the future. - The use of the phrase 'putting a price on carbon' is misleading and inane and highlights either the ignorance or deception of those who use it.
- China and India have made it abundantly clear they will not scale
down their huge program of electrification based on coal-fired power stations.
The carbon dioxide emissions from these two countries alone will soon
exceed the rest of the world put together. - As the UK experience has shown, the economic impact following the introduction of the European Emissions Trading Scheme cannot be accurately predicted by so-called 'economic modelling' (eg the Stern Report did not predict the doubling of electricity prices or the abandonment of investment in new power stations). The impact of such a scheme in Australia will be felt most by Australia's families and pensioners.
In summary, Family First opposes the introduction of any emissions trading scheme or so-called 'carbon tax' and believes it would be grossly irresponsible to proceed with such a policy that will involve major changes to the Australian economy without first having a proper, independent enquiry eg a Royal Commission, which was prepared to listen to the many distinguished scientists who disagree with the current 'climate change doctine'.