Saturday, October 09, 2010

Upper House

The other day Family First released a 'media release' that I am most happy about, and something I have thought about much and feel this state so desperately needs..... and that is an UPPER HOUSE (Senate). I can't believe we don't have one!!! I would fight tooth and nail to bring back the upper house to the state government.

In the media release it states:
"Wendy Francis from Family First said that the issue is not whether Queensland should have an Upper House, but how and when it should be introduced."

My ideas are to move 25 members of the House of Rep's to create the Senate. Currently each member of the House of Rep.'s looks after an area with about 30,000 residents. If we moved 25 of them to the senate, each member of the House of Rep.'s would look after 50,000. This way the people of Queensland wouldn't have to pay extra dollars for more politicians, and have their Upper House restored. I would also push for these changes to occur at the state election after the next, to avoid the cost of an additional election. 

The Family First party haven't yet decided on a way to restore the Upper House, but any way to return the Upper House is better then no Upper House at all!!!

Here is the link to the media release.

Regards, Tim.

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