Tuesday, October 12, 2010


There has being a lot of talk about abortion in the media due to a case going to trail in North Queensland. I would just like to say again that I firmly disagree with the act of abortion.

Abortion is an highly emotional topic, and views are wide ranging, but we must remember that there are other, better options then killing an unborn baby that doesn't have a chance to defend itself.
The adults action created the child, and the unborn child shouldn't be the innocent victim.

Options such as adoption are a better alternative, where loving families hoping for a child or another child can love and care for the baby.

Click Here to visit the state goverments website for those who are:

  • parents considering adoption for their children
  • children requiring adoptive placements
  • people seeking to adopt children
  • people seeking information about a past adoption.

Regards, Tim.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see that the laws won't be watered down (yet) in Queensland. We must make sure they never do.

