Saturday, March 03, 2012


We need to leave our environment in better condition than we inherited from our forefathers, so that our children and future generations can enjoy it. We believe most families want to do the right thing when it comes to achieving this goal.

I know that small environmental measures (like compost bins and recycling) are just as important as big decisions such as how we tackle Queensland’s water supply.

Family First and I would call upon the state government to implement a drink container deposit and recycling scheme (similar to the one in South Australia). This scheme would  greatly reduce the amount of rubbish on our streets and  save  around 8 billion litres of water and 1.8 million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year (if introduced across the country).(Source)

I have previously commented on what the government should be doing within MP offices and governmental departments to help improve the environment. (Click here to read)

I support the continuation of the Solar Bonus Scheme (Click here for more information) which allows home owners to benefit by doing the right thing and reducing the need to increase our power production and infrastructure across the power grid. This scheme also supports many Queensland jobs across the whole state and provides an ease to the cost of living for those who have them installed.

Family First will promote the use of “grey” water from Effluent Treatment Plants for Industrial, Agricultural and other purposes. We support the balancing of the rights of farmers and other land users against the need for maintaining water quality in the Murray River, and saline reduction programs within farming areas.

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